
Organizing From the Inside Out

This information is presented from Julie Morgenstern's book entiled "Organizing From the Inside Out.

Causes of Clutter

Level 1 – Technical Errors

Simple, mechanical mistakes in your organizing system that can be easily fixed. Solving them is the equivalent of tightening a screw, changing a belt, or aligning the steering on the car. This is the first category of causes to review because all messes can be attributed to at least one technical error.

  1. Items have no home
  2. Inconvenient storage
  3. More stuff than storage space
  4. Complex, confusing systems
  5. “Out of sight, out of mind”

Level 2 – External Realities

Environmental realities beyond your control that limit how organized you can be. Recognizing them will save you from having unrealistic expectations of yourself.

  1. Unrealistic workload
  2. Speed of life/technology
  3. In transition
  4. Uncooperative partners
  5. Limited space

Level 3 – Psychological Obstacles

Hidden, internal forces that make you gravitate toward disorganization, no matter how much you crave control. Unless you are aware of them, they can lead you to sabotage any system you set up. Through awareness, you can find a way to work around these issues and achieve organizing success.

  1. Need for abundance
  2. Conquistador of chaos
  3. Unclear goals and priorities
  4. Fear of success/fear of failure
  5. Need to retreat
  6. Fear of losing creativity
  7. Need for distraction
  8. Dislike the space
  9. Sentimental attachment
  10.  Need for Perfection